
The present investigation study has been carried out to Biodiversity and population density of Invertebrate Macrofauna of Govind Sagar Dam of Lalitpur U.P. Dam is an important field of this investigation, provide vital ecosystem services including the support of important as food web, the provision of drinking water, irrigation and electricity production.
The present investigation was done on the 8935 specimens of Invertebrate macrofauna which were collected seasonally from the Govind Sagar dam of Lalitpur district for three calendar years i.e. Sept.2007 to Sept.2010 by hand or scoop nets or by hand picking from the dam of Lalitpur U.P. The present investigation was aimed at a survey of invertebrate macrofauna of Govind Sagar dam of Lalitpur district.


Macrofauna, ecosystem, Invertebrate, method, identified.

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